Analysis of the Threat of Cyber Crime on Elementary School-Age Children in the Digital Era


  • Nurul Mukminah Magister PGMI, UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Lisa Amalia Magister PGMI, UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


cyber crime, internet, elementary school , ICT


Advances in ICT (Technology, Information and Communication) in the era of globalization, have positive and negative impacts on life. One of them is the high penetration of the use of the internet as a form of today's technological development. Of course, the increasingly advanced technology opens up its own opportunities for the emergence of various kinds of cvber-based crimes, because many children do not understand cyber crime . In fact, Kominfo noted that 69% of teenagers communicate with strangers and 38% of them are on average under 13 years old. This study aims to determine the threat of cyber crime against elementary school-age children. This type of research uses library research with a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection in this study using the method of content analysis and interviews. The results obtained show that various cyber crime threats that children can get on the internet that often occur include cyber porn or commonly known as pornography articles on the internet and cyber bullying insults or defamation in electronic media.


