Islamic Islamic Education Strategies In The Digital Era With Quizziz Applications


  • M Adib Nabila UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Islamic education, digital era, quizziz aplication


The rapid change of times is evidenced by the development of information technology called digitalization. This has positive and negative impacts on all aspects of life including aspects of education, especially for educators who are required to be able to add insight into technology that has developed increasingly rapidly. Because in order to support varied learning, it is necessary to collaborate with educators with learning media or digital platforms, in this case the quizziz application is one of the alternative applications that can support the sustainability of Islamic education in the digital era, with this quizziz application educators are able to innovate in developing modern and technology-based learning strategies, so that students do not feel bored as for the purpose of this study are: being able to find out how the strategy of Islamic education in the digital era through the quizziz application. This research uses the field research method. The results of the research conducted show that the use of educational strategies with the quizizz application in the digital era has gone well. Teachers use the quizizz application in Islamic education teaching so that students are not easily bored during learning and also to support the innovative learning process, quizziz application itself can be accessed through a web browser and with applications that can be downloaded on the playstore or appstore platform, easily accessible and easy to implement via smartphone or computer.


