The Role of Teacher Working Groups (KKG) in Fostering Teachers' Professional Skills in The Digital Era


  • Shofikhul Islah UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Teacher Working Group, KKG, Teacher Professional Skills


Teachers are the dominant and most important factor in formal education. For students, teachers are often used as role models and even become self-identification figures. In schools/madrahs, teachers are a very influential element in achieving educational goals in addition to students and other facilities. The success of the implementation of education is largely determined by the readiness of the teacher in preparing students through teaching and learning activities. However, the strategic position of teachers to improve the quality of educational outcomes is strongly influenced by the professional ability of teachers and the quality of their performance. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of the Teachers' Working Group (KKG) in fostering teachers' professional skills. This type of research is field research. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that (1) the teachers' working group (KKG) for MI teachers in Tirto sub-district has been well implemented. This can be seen from the scope and types of activities/programmes held (2) The attendance of participants (teachers) in the Tirto sub-district teachers' working group activities is quite high, averaging 80% and above per activity. (3) Based on the data and discussion of the results of the interviews mentioned above, it can be stated that out of the 10 people interviewed, 7 teachers in Tirto sub-district have good professional competence.


