Implementation of Islamic Education Learning with Artificial Intelligence (CHATGPT)


  • Ziyadul Muttaqin UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, Islamic Education


ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence application that has experienced rapid development in recent years. ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI and uses advanced natural language processing technology. This study aims to analyze the implementation of Islamic Education learning using ChatGPT. This study used the literature study method by looking for related research in books, journals, and other scientific works. The study results show that implementing Islamic education using ChatGPT provides benefits in increased accessibility, personalized learning experiences, and adaptive instructions. The use of ChatGPT by teachers can used in planning activities, evaluating learning, and increasing creativity in learning. Whereas for students, ChatGPT sparks creativity, completing assignments in finding ideas, language, and library resources. Even though it has advantages in speed of access and language, the use of chatGBT has challenges related to the authenticity and accuracy of the information that users need to validate, especially in matters of religion. Academics need to pay attention to ethical and moral values that uphold academic values in using ChatGPT. The potential for using ChatGPT to improve Islamic education learning requires further research to optimize its integration in the educational context.



