Mosque Ta'mir Edupreneurship Through Green House Technology Based on Green Waqf (Study at Masjidpreneur Center for Islamic Studies at-Taufiq Mosque Pekalongan City)


  • Nurochman STAI Ki Ageng Pekalongan
  • Ahmad Kamalul Fikri STAI Ki Ageng Pekalongan


Edupreneurship, Mosque Takmir, Green House, Green Waqf


The problems currently faced by the mosque takmir at-Taufiq can be grouped into three, which are mindset aspects, management aspects and technical aspects. In this research the author uses a qualitative approach, which is a research approach that emphasizes its analysis on deductive and inductive inference processes and on the analysis of the dynamics of the relationship between observed phenomena. This type of research approach is field research. Where researchers describe at length about the reality of real life, actual, one case or several cases. The field study in this research is edupreneur takmir mosque through hydroponic greenhouse technology based on green waqf. There are three integrative infrastructures in the context of edupreneurship; first entrepreneurship skills, namely entrepreneurial skills. Second, technical skill, which is the skill of mastering technology and information science. Third managerial skills, which are skills in managing human resources, assets, iventory and cash flow. In managing and prospering the mosque and the surrounding community, new efforts are needed that can develop according to the times. Masjidpreneur Center of Islamic Studies Masjid at-Taufiq Kalibaros Gas Station Complex Pekalongan City in conducting fundraisning to the community rests on Green Waqf in the form of the Green House-Green Waqf program. The products offered in this Hydroponic Greenhouse project are local and imported melon vegetables and fruits with hydroponic media and polybags. Based on the results of the above research, the Ta'mir Masjid Edupreneurship program through Green House Technology Based on Green Waqf is important to be developed by collaborating with the Indonesian Mosque Council, Indonesian Waqf Agency, Bank Indonesia Tegal Representative Office, National Amil Zakat Agency, academics, professionalism, society, and government in empowering the eco-mosque-based economy with green waqf schemes.




How to Cite

Nurochman, & Ahmad Kamalul Fikri. (2024). Mosque Ta’mir Edupreneurship Through Green House Technology Based on Green Waqf (Study at Masjidpreneur Center for Islamic Studies at-Taufiq Mosque Pekalongan City). International Conference on Islamic Economics (ICIE), 1(1), 339–350. Retrieved from