Analysis of the Behavior of Street Vendors and MSME Entrepreneurs in Wangandowo Village in the view of Islamic Business Ethics


  • Desy Adella Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Nur Istiqomah Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan


Islamic Business Ethics, Street Vendors, MSMEs, Wangandowo Village, Honesty, Fairness, Sharia Compliance


This study aims to analyze the behavior of street vendors and MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) entrepreneurs in Wangandowo Village in the context of Islamic business ethics. Islamic business ethics emphasizes principles such as honesty, fairness, responsibility, as well as compliance with Sharia law in economic activities. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach, using in-depth interviews and participatory observation to explore the business practices and values held by local street vendors and MSME entrepreneurs. The results showed that most business actors in Wangandowo Village have applied basic ethical principles, such as honesty in transactions and avoiding usury. However, there are still some challenges in the full implementation of Islamic business ethics, such as a lack of understanding of the concept of fair trade transactions and the inability to completely avoid practices that are considered incompatible with Sharia law. This study concludes that despite efforts to implement Islamic business ethics, further education and regulatory support are still needed so that business actors can do business in accordance with sharia principles consistently and sustainably.




How to Cite

Desy Adella, & Nur Istiqomah. (2024). Analysis of the Behavior of Street Vendors and MSME Entrepreneurs in Wangandowo Village in the view of Islamic Business Ethics. International Conference on Islamic Economics (ICIE), 1(1), 285–293. Retrieved from