The Role Of Job Satisfaction In Mediating Job Training To Improve The Quality Of Service In The Main Clinic Of Semarang City


  • Cahyaningrum Yovitasari STIE Bank BPD Jateng
  • Khoirul Attiq STIE Bank BPD Jateng


job training, service quality, job satisfaction, upskilling


One of the main factors in the world of health is service. Service quality may be the most important thing that every agency must have because service is closely related to assumptions about what will happen. Such as problems that occur on news sites that link medical negligence to the quality of services provided to patients, can trigger negative assumptions about the relevant agencies being reported on. Given these problems, the services provided must be motivated by job training and influenced by job satisfaction. This research was created to analyze the effect of job training using a census method of 40 employees and collected through questionnaire data. The method used in this research is quantitative and analyzed with Smart PLS 4.0. The results of this research show the positive influence of job training provided to improve service quality and also obtain significant results through mediation or without mediation on job satisfaction. This research results in the discussion that the higher the increase in job satisfaction, the higher the impact on job training and service quality.




How to Cite

Cahyaningrum Yovitasari, & Khoirul Attiq. (2024). The Role Of Job Satisfaction In Mediating Job Training To Improve The Quality Of Service In The Main Clinic Of Semarang City. International Conference on Islamic Economics (ICIE), 1(1), 267–284. Retrieved from